I am extremely saddened I have to post this, but if you live in the Untied States, this can save your life, literally. For the lucky ones that are not aware of the dire situation in many States, let me give you a bit of a background: with the overturning of Roe v....
Here is the full tzEthic archive from the Ethical Design Network.
Does Inclusion Include age?
I apologize for the cheesy title, but the question is real. There is a lot of talk about equity, and inclusion– and rightly so – but I have noticed that old age is often barely mentioned in these conversations. Now, I may be biased, but reading Tom Green's article,...
Can Twitter get even more toxic?
DISCLAIMER: I live in the United States, so I wrote this article from an American perspective. I really hope it is better in other countries. I know, this is totally a clickbait title, but I am serious: Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may signal a new low for the...
The loss of privacy and its dire consequences
I often lament the loss of online privacy and complain about how data brokers possess way too much information about all of us. They are ready to sell it to the highest bidder, that will then provide "personalized" advertisements. Sure, it is easy enough to ignore...
Conquer the cookie monster
This is Part 3 of a series on digital privacy…or the lack thereof In part 1 we talked about types of cookies and their purpose, and in part 2 we looked at some of the things you can do to protect your online privacy. Now, we turn our look at the infamous “cookie...
Protect your Online Privacy
This is Part 2 of a series on digital privacy…or the lack thereof In part 1 of the series, we discussed how every time you are online your activities are tracked through small pieces of data injected in your browser, called cookies. Why do companies collect all this...
Who Loves Cookies?
Photo by Vyshnavi Bisani on Unsplash This is Part 1 of a series on digital privacy…or the lack thereof Apparently very few people like digital cookies. About 93% of American users wish to control their personal data but only 3% of them have an understanding of digital...
Book Review – Do Good Design
I consider myself an Ethical Designer, striving to apply my principles to my work. Many of your reading this probably are. Ethical design is a trendy topic, and thank goodness for that. However, this is not a new idea. In fact, many designers have been talking about...
Ethical Persuasion
Persuasion is getting a bad rep: too often is associated with manipulation and considered incompatible with ethics. Is this really true, though? We often use persuasion in everyday life: I bet that last time you went out with family or friends, quite a bit of...
Good News About Cookies
Unfortunately, I am not talking about a miraculous invention that allows you to eat as many treats as you want without gaining weight. I am talking about the digital ones, which are not as appetizing.image from Jude Infantini on Unsplash 5 minutes readThird-party...